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Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body: An Analysis of the Historical Development of Doctrine in the Catholic Tradition 

Book Summary

John Segun Odeyemi is an accomplished theologian, author, and ordained Catholic priest from the diocese of Ilorin, Nigeria. He received his doctorate in systematic theology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he is still closely associated with the department of theology.Odeyemi is the author of five books, each exploring theological themes with depth and insight. 

Chapter 1


The encyclicals of the Roman pontiffs are of the utmost importance to this work.The Church claims that the Popes enjoy a divine teaching authority, which they exercise when issuing encyclicals among the other means by which they ex- ercise their teaching authority.The original texts of an encyclical are written in Latin and published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, a monthly journal published by the Roman Curia.Through the use of encyclical letters, the Pope exercises his Petrine ministry of teaching.The Catholic Encyclopedia clarifies:
It should be noted that encyclicals pertain per se to the Pope’s exercise of his ordinary magisterium…. The contents of an encyclical are presumed to belong to the ordinary magisterium unless the opposite is clearly manifested…. While encyclicals are not of themselves infallible pro- nouncements, and although their teachings are subject to change, Catholics are nevertheless obliged to assent to their doctrinal and moral content… this assent must be not merely a respectful silence, but a true internal… assent of the intellect to the doctrines precisely as they have been proposed.22
Encyclicals are official Church documents written in the form of a formal letter addressed to the entire Church: “Christ has entrusted the Pope with a teaching authority whose purpose is to foster the unity of faith, safeguard the under- standing of truth and build up ecclesial communion… characteristically denotes the communion of faith and charity that exists among various ‘Churches’ that is, among the various communities that make up the Church. “23 The encyclicals are fashioned traditionally after the example of the epistles of the apostles in the early Church, which are contained in the canons of the New Testament of the Bible.
Because encyclicals have various forms and uses, they are placed in a hierarchical level of importance.24 They are generally divided into three major categories: doctrinal, social, or exhortational.Most of the encyclicals under consideration in this work will be doctrinal ones (there is one exception, an apostolic exhortation).Michael J. Miller distinguishes between “two kinds of doctrinal en- cyclicals …; first are those which deal with particular points of Catholic doctrine…


Delve into the realms of digital wonders E-Book has to offer as every flick of the page brings you to an eventful journey of faith and theological insights carved in every stroke of the letters.

When controversy and religion intersect, the voice of reason generally bellows, “STAY AWAY!” In Father Odeyemi’s book, his desire to discuss a pivotal topic that pertains to a changing world, from theology to society as a whole, is far greater than the critical feedback that may come his way for tackling a topic with such complexities. In discussing the idea of religious truths versus secular thought, change is front and center on issues of ethics and morality. Cutting deep to its core using Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB), Odeyemi delivers a scintillating analysis of human sexuality that is simultaneously comprehensive and impartial, an incredibly informative work that can help those who are teetering on the precipice of faith find their way.
What defines family? From a biblical perspective, marriage is a sacred, divine union. Yet now, families are created in many forms, from blended families that feature live-in relationships to same-sex marriages, etc. In a nutshell, Catholic theology has been ostracized when juxtaposed with a postmodern culture that sees the messages of ancient scripture as nothing more than antiquated. As future generations mold into young adults, the skeptic within comes roaring out when topics of sex, marriage, and family—and morality intertwined with all three—are discussed from the lens of traditional understanding.
My Other  Books

“We remain firmly convinced that the family is a gift of God,
the place where he reveals the power of his saving grace.”

Fr. John Segun Odeyemi

Catholic Priest & Theologian


John Segun Odeyemi is an accomplished theologian, author, and ordained Catholic priest from the Diocese of Ilorin, Nigeria. He received his doctorate in systematic theology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he is still closely associated with the department of theology.

Author of 5 Books

Odeyemi is the author of five books, each exploring theological themes with depth and insight. Some of his works include, “Friendship, Dating, Courtship, and Engagement: A Handbook for Young Catholics” (Iperu-Remo: Ambassador Publishers, 2015) “The Mass: Through Him, and with Him and in Him” (Ibadan: Ebony Books and Kreations, 2018) “Pentecostalism and Catholic Ecumenism in Developing Nations: West Africa as a Case Study for a Global Phenomenon. (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock 2019)  He has also published several journal articles and participated in several international theological conferences, publishing regularly as a political commentator in the leading news outlets in his native country.

Fellow at IBCS

Currently, Odeyemi is a fellow at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies (IBCS) and lectures in the Department of theology, both at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, USA. He carries out pastoral duties at Corpus Christi-Epiphany Church where he is a resident priest. With his unique blend of pastoral experience, scholarly rigor, and commitment to social justice, John Segun Odeyemi is a powerful voice in contemporary theology, inspiring readers to deepen their understanding of faith and its role in shaping the world around us.

FEATURED at Xavier University of Louisiana

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